March 10, 2025

Turning In Cans For Money: A Guide To Making Money From Trash

People, these days, are in search for various ways to make some extra money. Maybe you’ve considered tapping into innovative online jobs, freelancing, or partaking in a start-up. But, have you ever thought about turning in cans for money? Not only does it promote waste management, but also supports the environment. Did you know that the recycling industry gives approximately 30 billion cans for recycling each year? Every recycled can offers a small amount of cash that can add up over time.

In many states in America, it is legal to turn in cans for money. A can could be worth between 5 cents and 10 cents depending upon the recycling laws of a state. Major states like California, Maine, Michigan, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Oregon and Vermont have container deposit laws that encourage recycling. These return centres often use cash counter machines to give you instant cash for your cans.

So, how do you get started? Firstly, start accumulating your cans. Any cans from soft drinks, beer, tea, fruit juice, vegetable juice, and even canned food containers would work, as long as it’s made of aluminum. Make sure to rinse them before storing to prevent proliferation of bacteria or pests.

Community events, family gatherings, or party leftovers can also be a gold mine. Check with your family, friends, or neighbours to collect their used cans. Local businesses like restaurants, bars, hotels, reception halls, even schools, may agree to save cans for you if you promise to collect them regularly.

Once you have a substantial amount of cans, sort them into separate bags or bins by type – aluminum, steel, or tin. Most recycling facilities have a preference for aluminum because it saves more energy and resources during the recycling process. Besides, aluminum cans have a higher return fee.

When it’s time to turn in your collection, be patient. Some popular recycling centres may have long queues. Moreover, recycling centres using the cash counter machines are generally faster, which can save a lot of time as opposed to manual counting. Make sure to check the opening hours and rules of the recycling centres in your area.

Moreover, you could also consider investing in a can crusher. This tool can decrease the volume of your cans by up to 80 percent. This means more cans can be transported in each trip, which can be particularly beneficial when your closest recycling centre is a long drive away.

Possibly the best part about turning in cans for money is the environmental impact it has. Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials, and recycling it consumes less energy compared to producing new ones. Every can you recycle is a step towards minimizing waste, saving natural resources and contributing to a greener planet.

With just a bit of effort, turning in cans for money is an efficient way to make extra coins while doing your part for the environment. So why not start collecting today and turn your trash into treasure!