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Submitted by: Albert Chen
In addition to poor diet, lack of exercise, insufficient fiber, and not drinking enough water, there are a number of other factors that contribute to poor colon health, including stress, an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, inadequate chewing of food, overeating, and improper food combining. If you’re struggling with any of these factors, chances are your colon is suffering too. This is why it’s so important to regularly clean out your colon.
Toxic emotions such as fear, stress, worry, and anxiety take a particular toll on the digestive system. The autonomic nervous system controls all unconscious activity in the body, including control of the digestive system. When it’s stressed, the nervous system diverts energy away from the digestive organs and routes it to the musculo-skeletal system to mobilize us for action in what is known as the “flight or fight” response. During this stress reaction, the intestines and kidneys slow down so the body can run away or fight the enemy.
The problem with our fast paced lifestyles is that we perceive threat on a continuous basis, and our digestive system suffers continually. Stress also decreases saliva flow and lowers the output of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. A stressful lifestyle results in impaired digestion and decreased bowel function. to help your digestive health, it’s best not to eat when emotionally upset, angry, or worried until you can calm down and let your body return to a state of balance.
Imbalance of Good and Bad Bacteria:
A healthy intestinal tract has a complex ecology of friendly, neutral, and unfriendly (pathogenic) bacteria. an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria, yeasts, and parasites can disrupt the delicate balance of the entire gastrointestinal tract. This overgrowth eventually leads to inflammation in the sensitive mucus lining, which then interferes with the proper assimilation of nutrients.
The contributing factors to imbalanced intestinal flora include a diet that is high in animal fats, trans fats, processed foods, low-fiber foods, sugar, coffee, tea, and alcohol, as well as overuse of antibiotics, over-the-counter drugs like acetaminophen and aspirin (NSAIDs), plus a diet that lacks essential nutrients. Antibiotics are particularly damaging to this delicate balance because they not only kill the bacteria they were prescribed for, they destroy friendly bacteria in the colon. The good bacteria have many beneficial functions, such as converting certain raw materials into much-needed nutrients. They’re also responsible for keeping pathogenic bacteria and yeast that live in the colon in check. Once this delicate balanced is disrupted, the unfriendly bacteria begin to outnumber the good, which causes more toxins to be released. Yeasts rapidly proliferate, causing more problems. Fortunately, most of them can be prevented by a thorough colon cleansing.
A typical American diet that is high in bad fat and refined carbs and low in fiber has a tendency to stick to the inner walls of the intestinal tract, and results in an impacted layer developing in the intestines. This condition eventually leads to a buildup of mucus, which decreases the available binding sites for the good bacteria.
Cleaning out your colon can restore the balance between these good and bad bacteria. Removing this toxic-laden mucus layer through colon cleansing enables the friendly bacteria to attach to the intestinal walls again and helps restore the balance of intestinal flora.
So, how do you start detoxing your way to better health?
First, read this free e-book on natural body detoxification & colon cleansing.
With so many colon cleansing products & detox programs on the market today, it’s crucial that you educate yourself as much as you can.
Benefits of Colon Cleansing
About the Author: So, how do you start detoxing your way to better health? First, read this
on natural body detoxification & colon cleansing. With so many colon cleansing products & detox programs on the market today, it’s crucial that you educate y
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